Professors disagree on employing study guide

Natasha Bazika, Chief Photographer

With spring semester, professors are hearing the chirps of students asking for study guides as the pressure of exams is soon to rear its ugly head.

Psychology professor Sharon Bertsch, however, said she is against using study guides in any of her classes.

Bertsch said she regards them as lecture notes, all the content that she teaches in her class is important, and her students are expected to study everything.

Bertsch also said she does not use study guides because she sees them as too easy for students. She wants to make sure that students are learning to be independent.

“Students need to learn to organize information and lecture notes by themselves.”

Bertsch said that if she gives out a study guide to a class, she is worried that a student could blame her for not including everything that is on the exam in the study guide.

By not using study guides, Bertsch said she avoids misleading her students, while also teaching her students to be organized.

Senior history major Joshua Conaboy said he would never ask a professor for a study guide, but, if given one, he would definitely use it.

Conaboy also said that, if study guides mislead him when studying for exams, he would most likely blame the professor.

On the other hand, Psychology professor John Mullennix said he enjoys hearing chirps for study guides. He often gives them to his students to help them evaluate what they are responsible for.

Mullenix said some students have trouble deciding what information is important and what information can be left out.

“By giving out study guides, it allows me to talk about what I think is important.”

Freshman Rachel Heming says she prefers a study guide when in a class that covers a lot of material.

Without a study guide, it can be hard to decipher which material is most important to the teacher, and a study guide helps by highlighting key components in the course.  “They give a clear outline for what to study, and they also help me grasp key ideas,” Heming said.