We respect students who march

Students from multiple clubs have become involved in national issues by marching in Washington, D.C.

The College Democrats sponsored a trip to the Women’s March on Washington Jan. 21. The club had been granted an emergency allocation of $462 to finance the transportation to attend the march.

A total of 23 students and seven professors from various academic divisions represented Pitt-Johnstown in the march.

The College Democrats aren’t the only ones who’ve arranged to travel to Washington, D.C., to participate in a march.

In coordination with Catholic Campus Ministries, the College Republicans arranged transportation to the capital for a pro-life march, March for Life, on Jan. 27.

We respect all groups’ involvement in national marches.

Participation in marches is a worthwhile experience for students.

We are proud of the involvement that Pitt-Johnstown students and faculty members from both liberal and conservative groups have in our nation’s issues.

While some members of our community may not unanimously regard the marches’ purposes as legitimate, the value of the event lies foremost in the experiences that students gain as a result of joining national movements.

Peaceful movements with hundreds of thousands of people are not commonplace, so we are proud of the students and faculty members who chose to engage in them when the opportunity arose.

We applaud the motivation that Pitt-Johnstown students have to stay informed, speak out and participate in national conversations.